Twitterview #106 – With Kelly Olexa (@KellyOlexa)

@JoelECarlson – Hello everybody, and welcome to the PM version of Twitterview. Our guest is fitness & marketing fanatic @KellyOlexa. Lets go!

@KellyOlexa – Hello!! TGIF!

Q – #1    So to start @KellyOlexa – Where did you grow up, and what are some of the steps you took in life to get where you are today?

A:    I grew up, kind of all over the place. Born in Toledo, moved to Boston, St. Louis, Chicago, Columbus (OSU) then Chicago

NOT an Army brat, but Dad was in Sales and got promoted all the time, we were transferred

To answer 1st question – the most important steps I’ve taken professionally to get me here: building relationships.

Focusing on the long-term over the immediate. Always a win.

Q – #2    Good advice!So what is is that you are currently involved with professionally, and where does fitness fit into your work?

A:    It’s funny because although my blog certainly is now a part of my “work” or my personal brand, that was

Never planned. I started blogging when I was in a sales role for another company. It was primarily for accountability

I became interested in getting fit when I started gaining that “Corporate 10” after college

Originally, I kept my fitness passion and my blog SEPARATE from my “work”, my 9-5 job.

I had no idea that eventually my blog, my blogging, my vlogging would all begin to work for me, and provide business

was never my intention to make $ from my blog. When I say business opportunity, blog opened the door to new friends.

those friends often had Biz ? regarding social media, how to use it for their business, or how to REACH bloggers.

Now, I work at NMS ( and my familiarity with blogging/vlogging/blogger relationships helps our discussions

Additionally, I’ve ended up meeting business contacts by originally talking about fitness topics, business came second

Q – #3    So when people either say “What do you do for work?” or “What’s your job title?” what do you tell people?

A:    I work with New Media Strategies, providing customized social media strategy for Fortune 500 brands.

I also work independently with several fitness celebrities and small fitness companies on more “fit” focused objectives

AND! I’m just now finishing my first book, on social media for business, of which I am very proud!

Q – #4    Does that fit on a biz card? :)  So who are say 10-15 people that you follow on Twitter for inspiration, humor or help?

A:    I WISH it could fit on a business card!! I usually say, “Just Bing Me.”

Some of my favorite friends that inspire me, teach me and help me: @armano, @thebrandbuilder, @kriscolvin, @lizstrauss

Of course @garyvee who changed my life! @cbarger and @connieburke are sassy and smart. @ScottMonty is solidness.

Also @Hoo_dee_Hoo @jylmomIF @todaysmama @krista_parry @amylburford @galexina @chcgogrl @erinjshea all ladies that ROCK

Q – #5    Also, what’s the title of the book, and when will it be available?

A:    I can’t share title of the book yet, or my publicist will shoot me!! But she tells me it could be published w/in 3 mo

Q – #6    Okay, we’ll wait and prevent the shooting. :) So what Social Media “tools” have you gravitated to use the most, and why?

A:    Well without a doubt Twitter is my boyfriend. Facebook is like my ex-boyfriend that I’m still friends with.

Blogging is my little sister. You can’t take it away from me, it’s soooo important.

Twitter is where I have met and connected with EVERYONE that has changed my life professionally over the past 2 years

I have over 30 contributors in my book (that were interviewed) and I met ALL of them and became friends via Twitter.

Twitter for the biz professional is a MUST do. Of course it is also a MUST DO RIGHT. Spammers like @ameliaguyen: NO

Q – #7    AMEN!  Now to more about you and the FAVS question: Favorite – restaurant, store, summer activity and tech gadget?

A:    Favorite tech gadget: I cannot function without my Crackberry.

FAV restaurant is 1) Any good sushi restaurant, in particular NOBU 2) Houston’s for steak 3) @ajbombers for burgers

Favorite stores: @bakersshoes @potterybarn @anntaylor @victoriassecret #jectv <—Although HELLO some of these BITE at SM.

My new favorite summer activity, just started RUNNING, due to @amylburford’s influence.

Another favorite Summer Activity: drinking margaritas.

Q – #8    A very active life! So if you could invite just 1 person (dead/alive) for dinner, who would you ask, and why?

A:    Joel Osteen. Because I am never ever walking away from hearing him speak or reading him and NOT happy/excited.

Q – #9    Any personal fitness or work goals that you’ve set for yourself for the next 6mos to 1yr?

A:    I want to reach the ability to run for a full hour, non-stop. I want to do unassisted pull-ups; SOME DAY.

Work goals are to get bigger and better every week, to never stop learning, to always put relationships & others first

Yes! Thank you so much @KellyOlexa for your time and sharing some of yourself today in your Twitterview. Have a great weekend! #jectv

Q – #10    Cool! To end today, what thought or mantra would you like to leave with everyone following today?

A:    Aim High, Never Settle.

@JoelECarlson – Yes! Thank you so much @KellyOlexa for your time and sharing some of yourself today in your Twitterview. Have a great weekend! #jectv

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