Faces of Minnesota – Alexis Walsko

Alexis Walsko is a great success story.  She has grown her company, Lola Red PR to be a highly recognized PR firm.  She has helped many businesses get noticed and has been working with the fast growing Smashburger company since they started expanding into Minnesota.   Not only does she help other companies get noticed,…

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The Mall of America celebrates 20 years! – An interview with Maureen Bausch

Hello everybody! Welcome to today’s Twitterview with @mallofamerica Exec VP of Biz Development, Maureen Bausch. Time to roll! Good morning Joel! Hi Maureen! Can you briefly explain what your role is so that we can understand your perspective & responsibilities? Maureen:    I am EVP of Business Development. My main responsibility is making sure @MallofAmerica always…

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Twitterview with Stephanie March

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and welcome to the Food-Friday Twitterview of @StephMarch. Set your timers to 1hr and lets get cooking! Q – #1    So @stephmarch, where did you grow up and what led you to doing the work that you do today? A: I am a Minny girl, from the Orono area, and I…

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Twitterview with Ali Kaplan

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone! If you’re in MN, hopefully you get to enjoy the outdoors some today. Lets being the Twitterview of @AliShops! Q – #1    So @AliShops, where did you grow up, what HS did you attend and after that, where did you go for schooling/training? A: Edina girl, I must confess. Edina HS,…

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