Twitterview with Kara McGuire

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and welcome to the Twitterview of @Kablog (Kara McGuire). She tries to make sense of dollars and cents. :) @Kablog – Hey Joel! Happy to be here. Q – #1    First off, where are you from and what brought you to the Twin Cities? A: I’m from Plymouth, MI, a suburb…

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Twitterview with Michael Caputo

@JoelECarlson – Hello everyone, and please welcome with me @MCaputo_MPR as my final Twitterview guest of 2010. Lets begin! @MCaputo_MPR – Hey Joel, it’s a blast doing this. @justplainbob says you should take it easy on me. Q – #1    So @MCaputo_MPR, please share briefly where you grew up and what kind of training/schooling you’ve…

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